Part Former
PF series

- Features
- Specifications
The PF series’ formers were developed with a three to seven die station and are used for various purposes of production.
The three-station models can be used to preform blanks for subsequent cold or press forming. Recently, we developed a low profile configuration in which the machine’s center is set to a low level without a platform. This compact type also requires less work space.
Semi-hot and warm forming are available upon request. Model Station Cutoff Diameter
(ɸmm×mmL)KO Stroke
(mm)Forging Load
(min-1)PF-520SS 5 10×25 30 400 250 PF-525SS 5 15×30 35 800 220 PF-530SS 5 18×40 60 1,100 200 PF-540SS 5 23×50 70 2,000 160 PF-550SS 5 27×70 100 2,600 120 PF-560SS 5 33×70 100 4,000 90 PF-570SS 5 34×130 145 6,000 80 PF-580SS 5 44×150 200 8,000 60 PF-590SS 5 51×150 150 10,000 60 PF-620SS 6 10×25 30 600 230 PF-625SS 6 15×30 35 800 220 PF-630SS 6 18×50 60 1,200 180 PF-640SS 6 23×50 70 2,200 150 PF-650SS 6 27×70 100 3,000 120 PF-660SS 6 33×70 80 4,500 80 PF-670SS 6 34×130 145 6,000 70 PF-680SS 6 44×150 200 9,000 60 PF-725SSL 7 15×30 70 1,000 170 PF-730SSL 7 18×40 90 1,400 150 PF-755SSL 7 32×70 120 3,200 100 PF-3150 3 41×100 120 8,000 60 PF-4315 4 50×300 360 11,000 50 ※Specifications are subject to change without notice.